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The 1st International Conference on Networking , Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence (ICNDCA2023)

AI in Healthcare Data Analytics

Jinzhu Gao, Ph.D. Professor of Computer Science University of the Pacific

The recent advance in Artificial Intelligence allows us to quickly develop easily accessible and intelligent solutions for healthcare data analytics. In this talk, Dr. Gao will go through some of her work in the field of data analytics. This will include her previous work on distributed data analytics, virtual reality for data analysis, as well as her ongoing efforts in managing and analyzing medical and healthcare data using AI technology.

Short Bio:

Prof.Jinzhu Gao

Dr. Jinzhu Gao received a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from The Ohio State University in 2004. From June 2004 to August 2008, she worked at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory as a research associate and then the University of Minnesota, Morris, as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science. She joined the University of the Pacific (Pacific) in 2008 and is currently a Professor of Computer Science there. Her main research focus is on intelligent data analytics and innovative computer science education. Over the past sixteen years, Dr. Gao has been working closely with educators, researchers, application scientists and Silicon Valley technology companies to develop online data visual analytics and deep learning platforms to support collaborative science and education, mobile health, IoT data analytics, business operational visibility, and visual predicative analysis for industries. Her work has been published in top journals such as IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on Computers, and IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications.

Short Bio:

Prof.zhimin Zhao

Zhiming Zhao is an associate professor in the System and Network Engineering ( SNE) group at University of Amsterdam ( UvA). He obtained his bachelor's and master's degrees in Computer Science from Nanjing Normal University ( NJNU) and East China Normal University ( ECNU) in 1993 and 1996 in China, respectively. He obtained his PhD in Computer Science from University of Amsterdam (UvA) in 2004. He is strongly interested in advanced computing and network technologies, time-critical and data-intensive systems, Cloud computing, scientific workflows and software agents. He coordinated the project SWITCH (Software Workbench for interactive time-critical and highly self-adaptive cloud applications). I led the Data for Science theme in the environmental science cluster project ENVRIplus and the technical development work package in its follow-up project ENVRI-FAIR. He also lead the UvA effort in ARTICONF, CLARIFY, BLUECLOUD, and VRE4EIC projects. I am also the technical manager of the LifeWatch ERIC Virtual Lab & Innovation Centre (VLIC) in Amsterdam.

Short Bio:

Prof. Yongjian Ren

Ren Yongjian, male, born in 1963, second-level professor, doctoral supervisor, selected as "National Distinguished Expert" by the State Council, national "Thousand Talents Program", Director of Cloud Technology Research Center, School of Computer Science, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Zhejiang Overseas High-level Talents Association Vice president, president of the Electronic Information Branch, member of Hangzhou Municipal Association, and executive vice president of Hangzhou Returnees Entrepreneurship Promotion Association. President of Hangzhou Xinhe Data Technology Co., Ltd. Research fields: cloud storage technology, data continuous data protection technology, storage virtualization technology, massive data processing technology, cloud computing technology, data disaster recovery technology, data high availability technology, etc. In the field of cloud storage and cloud computing, it has completed more than 10 national support programs, key national defense pre-research projects, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and provincial and municipal scientific research projects. It has won two Zhejiang Science Progress Awards and one Zhejiang University Scientific Research Achievement Award. Published He has published dozens of high-level papers and obtained 9 national invention patent authorizations.

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Short Bio:

Prof. Liu Jianguo

Liu Jianguo, chair professor and doctoral supervisor at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. Winner of the Youth Science and Technology Award of the Chinese Systems Engineering Society. Distinguished Professor of Shanghai Oriental Scholars, Shanghai Shuguang Scholar. He was a Research Fellow at Said Business School, University of Oxford, and a Fellow and James Martin School Research Fellow at Green Templeton College, University of Oxford. His main research areas are social big data, knowledge management and business intelligence. He has been published in "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences", "Computers in Human Behaviors", "Information Systems Frontiers", "Natural Science Advances" and other academic journals have published more than 100 SCI/SSCI papers, with SCI/SSCI citations of more than 2,500 times and an H-index of 26. The research results won the Youth Science and Technology Award of the China Systems Engineering Society, the Second Prize of the Natural Science Award of the China Computer Society, etc.